Introducing A New Article Design - The New York Times 🔗
Looking good.
After the Leap Motion ’s here’s another device that promises a whole other level of possibilities, this time to iOS applications.
bq. Sensus is a smartphone case that introduces touch technology to the back and right side of a protective case.
I’m patiently waiting for the end of May to see if I can get my hands in one of those. Imagine all the things you can do with it…
A good read about the services revolving around specific applications in the different mobile stores, markets or whatever it is yours is called can be found here.
We developed a social app for a new startup called Campus Quad that lets students explore what’s happening on campus – in real time.
SoftFaçade managed not only the create a great looking application[1] but also to create the best Case Study I’ve ever put my eyes on. Nice pretty animation that result in a timeline of the entire process.
1 - According to the screenshot on the site. The fact that it’s only for US schools stop you at the first screen.
Every student in every school should have the opportunity to learn to code.
I have mixed feelings about the concept. Why not design, art, dance? I’m sure there are more important things that students should have access to before.
To me, the fragmentation of Linux as a platform, the multiple incompatible distros, and the incompatibilities across versions of the same distro were my Three Mile Island/Chernobyl.
Without noticing, I stopped turning on the screen for my Linux machine during 2012. By the time I moved to a new apartment in October of 2012, I did not even bother plugging the machine back and to this date, I have yet to turn it on.
I believe this pretty much sums it up.
Two great examples of Digital Agencies. Both case studies sections are not only a joy to look at but they also convey meaning to otherwise boring information about the UX/UI/Development processes. Be sure to check them out.